Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Synagogue at Capernaum

Synagogue at Capernaum

The Synagogue at Capernaum (Kefar Nahum) which dates from the  2 nd-3 rd century A.D.. Beneath its foundation may be the synagogue (in which Jesus taught) dating from the time of Christ. Capernaum is located on the northwest shore of the Sea of Galilee . At Capernaum, Jesus performed many of his miracles and chose his disciples; Peter, Andrew and Matthew.

Photo courtesy of Corel

Synagogue at Capernaum - outside

The Synagogue at Capernaum (Kefar Nahum) which dates from the  2 nd-3 rd century A.D.. Beneath its foundation may be the synagogue (in which Jesus taught) dating from the time of Christ. Capernaum is located on the northwest shore of the Sea of Galilee . At Capernaum, Jesus performed many of his miracles and chose his disciples; Peter, Andrew and Matthew.

Photo courtesy of Corel

Synagogue at Capernaum

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